Discover Faith and Community at Millport MC one mile south of Rothsville, PA
We believe that no matter who you are or where you come from, you are a valuable member of our community. Our church is a place where people come together to worship and support each other. We strive to create a welcoming environment where everyone can feel accepted and loved. So whether you are a long-time member or a first-time visitor, we are thrilled to have you here with us. We hope you will find a sense of belonging and purpose within our church, and that your time with us will be filled with meaningful connections and spiritual growth.
Our church is in the heart of Lancaster County, an area known for its picturesque farmland and peaceful surroundings. Whether it's through local community outreach efforts or global mission trips, our congregation is committed to spreading the love and compassion of Jesus Christ far and wide. Our community is a diverse and welcoming mix of individuals of all ages, each with unique experiences and perspectives. We believe that our differences are what make us strong, and we are united in our mission to grow and serve the Lord Jesus in all that we do. Lancaster County has many excellent mega-churches. But if you’re looking for a more personal spiritual family experience, come and embrace Jesus with us.
Millport began as a home mission congregation. The first meetings were held in community homes, then moved into the original meeting room on Log Cabin Road for Sunday afternoon services on November 15, 1953. Eventually the services were moved to Sunday mornings. Summer Bible School outreach brought many children from the community into our small building. Through personal connections, many persons became followers of Jesus and members at Millport.
Our congregation has had a strong mission emphasis, presently supporting four mission families who are sharing Christ in locations around the world. Many of our members have served in short-term mission projects taking them to countries on six continents and to many locations in the United States. Others have served in prison ministry both locally and nationally. Helping Hands, our women’s caring ministry specializes in making comforters for those in need and quilts for mission fundraisers. In addition, we support nine other local and international mission programs.
We are not finished!
God’s desire to reach others with the love of Christ is deeply deposited in our DNA. Each week we encourage our members to help others come to know Jesus and follow His ways. Millport's mission is and has always been helping people embrace Jesus as Lord and Savior and teaching them how to live life following Him.
We would love for you, your family, and your friends to be a part of our history!
Developing a vibrant intimate relationship with God is our goal—learning to know His love and hear His voice by encouraging time with God and His people.
In our times together we encounter God, through singing, reflection, teaching scripture, sharing our life experiences, praying for one another, and using our spiritual gifts to encourage, build up, and comfort one another. Authentic worship is expressed most fully through a life totally yielded to God.
Loving relationships are essential in building God's kingdom and should permeate every aspect of life. Growth is encouraged by sharing truth with mutual authenticity and transparency while extending grace and forgiveness.
Becoming Christ-like is our goal for each individual. We experience healing, wholeness and growth through a surrendered life and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Life-change happens best in community as we study God's Word and encourage one another to apply its principles in our daily walk.
Everyone is shaped by God to make meaningful contribution in the Kingdom of God. Therefore mentoring, equipping, and gift activation are essential. Opportunities for ministry are abundant and every believer is expected to serve God and the local church in some way.
We are the hands, feet and mouth of Christ demonstrated through service and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. We expect our church and its members to reflect Jesus Christ in our local communities and beyond.
Millport is led by a Ministry Leadership Team composed of the Lead Pastor and six committed volunteer Ministry Leaders. Their diverse experience, wisdom, and gifts bring excellent leadership qualities to the table. They are dedicated to providing guidance, support, and spiritual nourishment to our congregation while ensuring that the church's resources are used responsibly and effectively.
The Millport is committed to serving its congregation and the wider community through a variety of ministries. We have a strong focus on education, offering Sunday school classes for all ages. In addition, many from Millport participate in local service projects and mission trips. We believe that our ministries are an important way to share God's love and make a positive impact on the world.
LMC is a 300-year old organization of more than 270 congregations with rich diversity, many complexities, and a culture that is ever-changing. Today, the LMC churches range from coast to coast in the United States and include numerous churches in Central American and the Caribbean Region. Since the twentieth century, we have embraced a host of new immigrant groups including Spanish, Asian, and African cultures.
We hold many basic convictions in common with other Christians. We believe in a personal God who is both holy and gracious, in salvation through repentance and faith, in the deity of Christ, in the inspiration of Scripture, in the importance of prayer, and in the church as the body of Christ.
Mennonites are a subset of 16th century reformers known as Anabaptists. Many of these various Anabaptist groups eventually took the name “Mennonite” from an early Dutch leader Menno Simons. The Swiss-German Anabaptists who immigrated to what became Lancaster County arrived in Philadelphia in 1710.
The term “Anabaptist” literally means “to rebaptize” which was used to describe these Christians who rejected infant baptism and recovered the practice of believer’s baptism. During the early years of the Reformation, many persons from Catholic and Protestant churches joined the movement and were rebaptized upon their confession of faith.
The Anabaptists were Christian reformers who also rejected the church-state system embraced by the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches which the Anabaptists concluded fell far short of what was necessary in light of the New Testament texts. Their lack of conformity to either Catholic or Protestant groups resulted in severe persecution and martyrdom for two centuries in Europe. Many Anabaptist migrations occurred, both to the east and west, as safe havens were sought.
Many of their beliefs and practices that were unique for their time have now been embraced by many other Christian groups including Believer’s Baptism, Separation of Church and State, and the Priesthood of All Believers.
I'm New Here~What to Expect
There is no dress code, wear whatever makes you comfortable. We truly enjoy each other, so you’ll discover a somewhat noisy atmosphere in the lobby and the sanctuary when you enter. Coming together from different parts of the county, we look forward to being together, so conversations flow as we reconnect.
Help yourself to a complimentary cup of freshly brewed coffee or hot chocolate available at our coffee bar.
Prior to the worship service, join us for a time of discussion focused on scripture passages or engaging topics. Classes for children and adults start at 9:00 a.m. See an usher or greeter for classroom locations.
You’ll discover we delight in singing together. Whether it’s contemporary worship songs or classic hymns, if we know the song, we sing it with passion. Each Sunday varies a bit with different leaders, instruments, and blended styles. Occasionally, we even have request-your-favorite-hymn Sunday complete with acapella singing.
We value having our children worship with us during the singing time. After singing, kids gather in their classrooms for Children’s Church. Through age-appropriate teaching, crafts, and activities, they learn about Jesus and other men and women of the Bible.
Children’s Church Schedule:
Every Sunday - ages 3 to kindergarten
2nd and 4th Sundays - grades 1 through 5.
A staffed nursery is available for children 2 years old and under. Take the stairs in the lobby to the lower level, through the double doors, to the first door on the left.
All of our teachers, helpers, and nursery care providers have current background checks and clearances.
Each message is about 35–45 minutes long and focuses on unpacking scripture and seeing how God wants to challenge us in our daily lives.
If you happen to join us on the fifth Sunday of the month, the message comes from the congregation. Stories are told of how God is working in our lives and of the ways we are celebrating, learning, and struggling as we endeavor to follow Jesus. Prayer requests and words of encouragement are often shared. We also enjoy a potluck fellowship meal together after the service.
One way we worship God is through giving. Our gifts support the work of our church and many ministries and missionaries around the world. As our guest, please feel no obligation to contribute.
By the grace of God, we seek to live and proclaim the good news of reconciliation in Jesus Christ. As part of the one body of Christ at all times and places, we hold the following to be central to our belief and practice:
In these convictions, we draw inspiration from Anabaptist forebears of the 16th century, who modeled radical discipleship to Jesus Christ. We seek to walk in His name by the power of the Holy Spirit, as we confidently await Christ's return and the final fulfillment of God's kingdom.
Adopted by Mennonite World Conference General Council March 15, 2006
We hope you will join us Sunday for worship.
9:00 a.m. Bible Classes for Children and Adults
10:00 a.m. Worship Service
Our services vary in style from Sunday to Sunday.
820 Log Cabin Road
Leola, PA 17540
If you have any questions about our church, please feel free to reach out!
All Rights Reserved | Millport Mennonite Church